Connecting Columbia Union Seventh-day Adventists

Columbia Union Filmmakers to Watch

Columbia Union Filmmakers to Watch


Anthony Hackett Anthony Hackett

Anthony Hackett—actor, writer, director/producer

Home Church: New Hope in Fulton, Md.

What He’s Produced: The Package, a short film for 2013 Allegheny East Conference Camp Meeting; 10 Minutes, a 2014 submission to SONscreen; SONset Friday Web series with more than 160,000 views on Youtube

Coming Up: The feature film Just a Prayer Away and a new SONset Friday Web series this summer

His Motivation: “God placed in me this desire and gift for film.”

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Pierre Walters—actor, director/producer

Pierre Walters Pierre Walters

Home Church: Takoma Park (Md.)

What He’s Produced: Short and feature films that speak to a larger audience, including Greener by the Day

Coming Up: A feature film about civil rights starts production this summer

His Motivation: “I enjoy making films and videos as well as building brands that seek to leave the world a little better than we found it.”

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Daniel Wahlen Daniel Wahlen

Daniel Wahlen—writer, director

Home Church: Triadelphia in Clarksville, Md.

What He’s Directed: The 15-minute short The Hideout, which won in four categories, including Best in Fest, at this year’s SONscreen film festival

Coming Up: His first feature film

His Motivation: “We all have an inner desire to connect with each other, and I'm motivated by that. Film is expression; film is communication.”

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