Shiloh Church Celebrates 103rd Anniversary, Homecoming
Story by Bryant Smith
Allegheny West Conference's Shiloh church in Cincinnati, recently celebrated its 103rd anniversary with a special homecoming week. The theme was: “Empowering Disciples—the Call to Serve.” Every aspect of the event glori ed God for leading the congregation to disciple and be disci- pled in the city of Cincinnati.
During the week, as a demonstration of their call to serve, church members joined Adventist Community Services to distribute more than 400 Thanksgiving baskets to needy families in the area. Current mem- bers, returning members and visitors came together on Sabbath to praise and thank God with inspirational music from Shiloh’s mass choir and singer Wanda Lott, from Huntsville, Ala. The congregation was challenged by a powerful message, “Starting for the Savior,” from Shiloh pastor Orville S. Brissett.
The evening concluded with a concert by the com- bined choirs of Shiloh church and Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist church of Glendale, Ohio, under the direction of Jeff Sloan. Shiloh church is committed to continue to impact the city of Cincinnati and surrounding areas with the gospel of Jesus Christ until He returns.
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