Capital Memorial Church Holds Week of Prayer Via Telephone
Using an Adventist Review issue on prayer, members of Potomac Conference’s Capital Memorial church in Washington, D.C., designed a week of prayer where no one had to leave their homes.
Story by Jacquie Bokow
For an entire week, several members of the Capital Memorial church (CMC) met for prayer at 7 a.m., 9 a.m., 12 p.m. and 9 p.m. How was that possible? The weeklong discussions, themed “And They Followed Him,” took place over the telephone and anyone who wished to participate, simply called a conference line and entered the access code to join the discussion.
Participants received hard copies of the Adventist Review’s week of prayer issue and links to the online version. Seven elders took turns facilitating the 17 study and prayer sessions.
“The conference call was a lovely way to start the day talking to and praying with our pastor and fellow church members,” said Michelle Chin, who facilitated the 7 a.m. sessions the first three mornings.
Chin said she had between four and five people join her for the early morning sessions, which had the lightest attendance. As many as eight participated in the evening sessions.
“It was a neat experience just having people join the conversation and share their thoughts on the reading for the day,” added Esther Harter, long-time CMC member who covered the early morning sessions for the final three days.
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