Alumnus to Take the Helm at Shenandoah Valley Academy
John Wagner, a seasoned leader who most recently served as interim president at Union College and pastor of administration at Sligo church, returns to the region.
Story by Dan Jensen
John Wagner, EdD, currently interim president of the Union College in Nebraska, has accepted the position of principal at Shenandoah Valley Academy (SVA) in New Market, Va. Wagner, an SVA graduate, comes to the school with a broad leadership background. Upon his graduation from SVA, Wagner attended the Washington Missionary College in Takoma Park, Md., now the Washington Adventist University, for one year then transferred to Atlantic Union College (Mass.) where he received a bachelor’s in biology and religion. He then attended the Andrews University (Mich.) where he received a master’s in counseling and guidance. He also holds a doctoral degree in education, received from the University of Florida.
Wagner has served as dean of boys at two academies and was principal at both the Madison Academy in Tennessee and the Forest Lake Academy in Florida. He oversaw 26 schools as the superintendent within the Rocky Mountain Conference. He also served on the faculty at Union College as vice president and dean. He went on to serve as president of the Southern Adventist University (Tenn.), Union College (Neb.), The Joseph E. Mertz Memorial Educational Foundation, Inc. in Indianapolis and Prevent Blindness Indiana.
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