Attend a Virtual Camp Meeting
Attend a Virtual Camp Meeting
Can’t make it to camp meeting this year? Several camp meetings across the country and in the Columbia Union will be livestreaming their meetings.
Columbia Union Camp Meeting Livestreams
Chesapeake Conference: Watch the evening meetings at 6:45 and Sabbath services at 8 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 11 a.m., 2:30 p.m. and 7:15 p.m. from June 17-21 at www.ccosda.org/campmeetinglive. (See uploaded videos of the meetings here: http://new.livestream.com/accounts/8375248/events/3087679.)
Mountain View Conference: June 13-21 at http://valleyvista.caster.fm/. (Click here for a schedule of meetings.)
Pennsylvania Conference: Watch the 7 p.m. meetings June 13-21 and Church on June 21 at 11 a.m. at http://paconference.churchonline.org/.
Potomac Conference: June 24-June 28 at http://www.pcsda.org/. (Click here for a schedule of meetings.)
To get all the details, visit http://www.nadadventist.org/article/583/calendar/2014-camp-meeting-schedule, and see the 2014 North American Division Camp Meeting Schedule.
Get details on the 2014 camp meetings in the Columbia Union in the May 2014 Visitor!
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