Connecting Columbia Union Seventh-day Adventists

Montclair Team Clinches North Jersey Basketball Title

Story by Visitor Staff

Members of the First church of Montclair hoist Mark Paul, game MVP, on their shoulders. Members of the First church of Montclair hoist Mark Paul, game MVP, on their shoulders.

Basketball players from Allegheny East Conference’s (AEC) First church of Montclair recently claimed the North Jersey Youth Federation Basketball League (NJYFBL) Championship. With a score of 65 points Montclair’s team topped Jersey City’s Beth-El church team, which scored 56 points.

The NJYFBL is a Christian fellowship league comprised of 16 North Jersey-based teams and governed by four league commissioners and four league administrators operating in partnership with AEC’s North Jersey Youth Federation.

“We promote an environment of healthy sportsmanship by establishing and enforcing high standards of ethical behavior and ensuring adherence to our Christian Beliefs,” explains LaFayette Trawick, league commissioner.

Teams welcome players who do not belong to the Seventh-day Adventist Church, however, all team members are required to attend at least one worship service a month and participate in community service. Trawick notes that the community service component is a wonderful witness opportunity for visitors. “We’ve done a toy and coat drive and helped paint a neighbor’s house all in an effort to show the players that being on a basketball team can be bigger than just the game.”

Paula Olivier, pastor for the First church of Montclair embraces LaFayette Trawick, commissioner for the North Jersey Youth Basketball League. Paula Olivier, pastor for the First church of Montclair embraces LaFayette Trawick, commissioner for the North Jersey Youth Basketball League.

Mark Paul, who was named the game’s Most Valuable Player (MVP), said that playing basketball was a great opportunity for fellowship and making friends. “I believe that everyone who demonstrated good sportsmanship, respect, and most importantly Christian values in such a competitive environment, are all MVPs in my book,” he said.

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