Book Release: Songs from the Heart
Book Release: Songs from the Heart
Interview by V. Michelle Bernard
Allegheny West Conference Mt. Zion Seventh-day Adventist church member Jessie Beard says she felt inspired by God to read the Psalms and then write a poem for each chapter. Songs from the Heart is the result of that inspiration.
Q: What inspired you to write the book?
A: I was inspired by a vision from God. I guess that might sound unbelievable, but that is exactly what happened.
Q: Where did you find inspiration to write 150 poems?
A: After experiencing the vision and being given the instructions as to how to lay the book out, I knew this had to be from God. So right away I started writing the poems believing that God would supply me with each one and He did.
Q: How have the Psalms played a role in your life?
A: I can remember my mother and others always referring to one Psalm or another when I was a child. After becoming an adult I often read Psalm 91 which encouraged me to trust God and rely on Him for everything.
Q: What did you learn when writing this book that others can benefit from?
A: God is ever present in our lives whether we know it or not. And He surely has a plan for our lives as He states in His Word in Jeremiah 29:11.
Q: Are you working on any other books?
A: I am currently working with a publisher hoping to get my six children’s books published this year. I'm also writing a novel based on the life of Rahab, which I hope to finish in the next few months, and hope to get it published. And I still have other books coming.
Read more about Beard and her work by visiting http://jesspoetry.com/.
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