Connecting Columbia Union Seventh-day Adventists

Image by Thomas G. from Pixabay

Blue Mountain Academy Student Shares Testimony at Reading Junior Academy

Story by Silvia Lutick

Adam Bially, the Blue Mountain Academy (BMA) pastor, has been working closely with students who have expressed interest in sharing the Word of Jesus to their fellow peers and community. Student speakers Nathalia Phu, David Desouza, Loriann Korley and Jordan Slifka were recently invited to act on this interest by speaking at Reading Junior Academy’s (RJA) Week of Prayer.

“I had the opportunity to speak during BMA’s Week of Prayer; it was such a blessing, causing me to only dive deeper into my studies,” Slifka shares his testimony. “In October, Pastor Bially asked me to speak at RJA [in Pennsylvania], and because God has given me a peace that surpasses all understanding, I joyfully accepted. Ecstatic, I gath- ered my thoughts, prayed and got ready for the trip to Reading. Pastor Bially encouraged me to make an appeal if the Holy Spirit moved me—and that’s just what happened. God laid on my heart to share pieces of my personal testimony, and at the end, I felt compelled to make an appeal [for them] to give their hearts to Jesus. There were two boys in particular who were greatly impacted by the message, and I give glory and praise to God for that. My heart was so happy to hear they wanted Bible studies. The thing is, God sees the big picture, and He’s weaving a massive tapestry of His Son’s sacrifice and love for us. We are the thread, and the Holy Spirit is the needle.”

Slifka, a junior, is the pastor of the Student Association this year. “Blue Mountain Academy has had a significant impact on every aspect of my life. I wasn’t conscious of what I was doing with my body. I had been lounging and playing video games, wasting time. Now, by God’s grace, He gave me a determined mindset to focus on His will for my life. I know God brought me to BMA for a reason,” he adds.

Bially sees God working in and through Slifka. “I first met Jordan two years ago when he was working in the cafeteria. He was cleaning tables with a big smile on his face. It made an impact on me to see a young man joyfully going about his duties,” he says. “Since then, I have seen the Lord work with this young man as he has grown in wisdom, stature and favor with students and staff. Jordan was used by God to preach the closing message at the Week of Prayer at Reading Junior Academy where 14 students responded to his baptismal call. We know God has even greater plans for Jordan and for anyone who wants to put their trust in God.”

Slifka continues to grow in his walk God has set before him. He has his own YouTube channel, “FaithFilled Fitness,” and started a running club for BMA students. He strives to do his best and be the example Jesus would have him be.

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