Connecting Columbia Union Seventh-day Adventists

'Like Never Before'

Story by V. Michelle Bernard

Churches and schools across the Columbia Union Conference and North American Division are preparing for and hosting their Pentecost 2025 proclamation events throughout the year.

“God is working in our Columbia Union Conference churches perhaps like never before,” says José D. Espósito, assistant to the president for Evangelism at the Columbia Union. “We have 841 registered preaching centers between schools and churches.”

Some of the participating churches or schools will host multi- ple evangelistic campaigns throughout the year. Leaders hope to host a combined 2,025 weeks of evangelism in 2025, reports Espósito. “In almost 30 years of serving God in the territory of the Columbia Union, I have never seen [such] an awakening toward evangelism. Without a doubt, the Holy Spirit is here.”

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