Departments Team Up for Crisis Management Training
Story by V. Michelle Bernard
Part of the long to-do list every administrator and Human Resource (HR) and Communication professional has is handling crisis situations. This week’s Columbia Union Secretariat/HR and Communication training themed, “Putting the Pieces Together,” provided resources for this inevitable part of the job.
“We are living in perilous and uncertain times. Crisis situations abound and impact our lives and organizations almost daily. How we respond and recover, and what we learn in the process of navigating challenging situations is ultimately what matters and determines our future,” says Celeste Ryan Blyden, Columbia Union executive secretary and event organizer. “When we face crisis situations, we need and can benefit from the support of communication, legal, risk management and human resources. And we also must consider the mental health impact and the contributions from others.”
This is the third annual training event the union has held for its union's clerks, Secretariat and Human Resource professionals, and this time it included communication professionals. The 14 speakers were among the 60 participants.
Woven through many of the sessions was the importance of social media in a crisis and in communication plans.
Social media has become a primary news source. It offers a direct channel between our church and its members and the community, says Kelly Butler Coe, vice president for Communication at the union. “It allows us to accurately represent and demonstrate our mission and culture in real time, demonstrating accountability and transparency.”
Throughout the two-day event, presenters also talked about other issues and opportunities facing the Seventh-day Adventist Church, including how to deal with recent immigration executive orders, how church employees can and should incorporate AI into their workflows and how to care for one’s mental wellness during crises.
“This training will be valuable to my department in shaping our approach to crisis management. I believe the integrated approach will bring together all the necessary skills and expertise,” says attendee Francis Tuffour, digital media and communication director for the Ohio Conference. “The Communication Department cannot effectively manage a crisis in isolation.”
Emmanuel Asiedu, union treasurer, who also oversees HR for the union, agrees. “HR can no longer work in silos in this complex business environment. … The union’s HR Department caught this collaboration mindset long before the business environment became so complex and complicated as it is today. We will continue to have a wholistic approach in HR ministry.”
Eduardo Monteiro, executive secretary of the New Jersey Conference, says he gained so many insights at the event and was provided with many tools he can apply in his daily job. He looks forward to using the resources he learned and will continue to learn back at home.
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