Connecting Columbia Union Seventh-day Adventists

Youth and young adult leaders from the New Jersey Conference worship together at a 2025 training event.

New Jersey Conference Youth Leaders Gather for Training

Story by New Jersey Conference Staff

Nearly 700 youth and young adult leaders from across the New Jersey Conference (NJC) and beyond recently gathered at Tranquility Camp in Andover to be trained and equipped with the skills needed to be more effective in their respective ministries. This almost doubles the number of attendees from the previous year. 

Participants enrolled in various tracks experienced detailed presentations on Adventurers, Pathfinders, TLTs, Master Guide, Worship, Media/AV, LEGIT Summer Camp, Leadership, and Finance. All classes were led by conference coordinators and experts in their respective areas of ministry.

“General sessions provided an impactful worship experience, featuring powerful messages that challenged all participants to earnestly pray and be ready to be filled with the Holy Spirit as we engage in our mission to hasten the return of Jesus,” says Stenly Gonie, assistant youth director for the conference and event organizer.

Saturday evening offered opportunities for social interaction, sports and recreational activities, and the weekend culminated in a winter sports extravaganza. Organizers extend special thanks to the NJC administration and to the staff at Tranquility Camp, who worked collaboratively with all of the conference’s state and zone coordinators to provide meals and create an unforgettable spiritual experience for everyone. 

“Overall, we had a remarkable and successful Christ-centered experience that we will cherish,” says Gonie.

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