Connecting Columbia Union Seventh-day Adventists

How to Reach Those Who Have Walked Away

By K'dee Crews

According to official Seventh-day Adventist statistics, since 1965, four out of every 10 members have left the church. How can we, as a church body, reach those who have walked away?

1. Show them respect. They didn’t just wake up one morning and decide to leave. They have reasons. Respect their opinion. You can disagree and still be respectful.

2. Listen to them. Maybe you’ve had a pleasant church experience, but they haven’t. It’s not your place to judge. When you take the time to listen to someone’s story, you can better understand them. You can’t know how to approach something and someone without knowing what the problem is.

3. Ask God for help. They might expect a knee-jerk reaction from you—to argue or tell them they’re wrong, but this only shuts them off. Instead, let the Holy Spirit guide your response.

4. Walk with them. Align yourself with the person, and remember: They are your brother or sister! Acknowledge their experience and, after listening, validate the valid. And, if you can, keep the friendship alive.



Read the November/December 2024 Visitor here!

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