Couples Become Protagonists for God
Story by Anthony Baffi
Marriage is a miracle; two very different people decide to live together and begin a home enterprise, echoing the divine command: “Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh” (Gen. 2:24, KJV). Each couple has the privilege of being protagonists for God, by assuming the commitment to hold high the banner of the sacred institution of marriage.
During the conference’s recent 2022 Couples’ Retreat, more than 70 couples took part in a marriage vow renewal ceremony, where they pledged to continue together in the journey of love, whose end goal is heaven with our Father.
“We praise God for the opportunity and blessing the 2022 Couples Retreat brought,” says Carlos Torres, Family Ministries director. “After two years of social distancing due to the pandemic, we met in person to share, learn and enrich our marriages.
“You, too, can be a protagonist in the love story God wrote,” Torres adds. “The success of every marriage is not in our capacity, talents or abilities, but rather in the measure in which we put our lives in the hands of the Lord each day.”
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