Go Tell it on the Mountains
Editorial by Eddie Reyes
Reaching rural territories was once viewed as a difficult task, but members in the Mountain View Conference (MVC) have now embraced it as an exciting journey—encouraging others to seek Jesus. This mindset has grown members’ spiritual experi- ence and impacted the territory.
The conference’s goal is to advance the Great Commission Christ gave. He said, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matt. 28:19, NIV).
Leaders have tasked every pastor, Bible worker, elder and church member to go and "Tell Somebody About Jesus," to embody Christ’s fearless character in the community and share the news of His soon return!
We have already seen a huge turnaround since this initiative began.
James Volpe, pastor of the Beacon of Hope church in Huntington, W.Va., recently received a Bible study interest card. Volpe took his head elder with him to follow up on the lead. The address was difficult to find, and as the two men drove through the neighborhood, they saw some women enjoying the day on their front porch.
Volpe stopped to ask the ladies if they knew where the person lived. They pointed him in the right direction, then one of the ladies asked, “What is this for?” Volpe took the opportunity to share about the Bible study, hoping to capture the ladies’ interest.
That led to a conversation about the Bible, cur- rent events and the nearness of Christ’s return. One of the ladies asked if Volpe would be available to study the Bible with her and her friends the follow- ing morning. “Of course, that is why we are doing this!” he expressed. When Volpe arrived the next morning, he found three ladies waiting. They studied the gospel and the plan of salvation and made plans to continue
studying together.
Bible studies are an essential part of community outreach ministry. The goal of conference leaders is to encourage pastors and members to carry God’s message as they continue to experience His great and mighty acts throughout the hills and mountains to whoever will listen.
Eddie Reyes is the Lewisburg, Marlinton and Rainelle District pastor in the Mountain View Conference.
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