Connecting Columbia Union Seventh-day Adventists

Spencerville Adventist Academy

Our Community Keeps the School Strong

Story by Tissiana Bowerman, Principal

Living during a pandemic is not something any of us ever expected to experience, but here we are, two years into the COVID-19 crisis. We each have a unique perspective and have been impacted in different ways—none of us have been untouched.

Those who work in education have had to find ways to prioritize academics in classrooms that do not allow appropriate spacing or that have poor ventilation. They work to be heard clearly while wearing a mask and struggle to understand what the students are saying. Teachers and students have had to become efficient in online platforms and teaching/ learning methods, able to move between online education and the protocols of campus teaching with little to no notice.

Plant management teams have added sanitation stations, installed additional air purification systems and sanitized the building, while cleaning teams have had to follow stringent cleaning protocols. School nurses are bombarded with questions, work with the county to manage contact tracing and are expected to keep schools COVID-free. Business teams are balancing extra costs while trying to manage budgets. Administrators juggle the needs of each stakeholder group while trying to keep up with constantly changing rules.

The Home & School officers have had to look for creative ways to host fundraising activities and safely bring people together. Parents worry about their child’s academic, physical and mental health while juggling work in uncertain times. Pastors work to encourage and support community members.

Education worldwide has been impacted by this pandemic, but we are blessed with a God who continues to show Himself and share His love.

We want to recognize and thank the Spencerville Adventist Academy (SAA) community for the many ways they have worked together to keep our school strong and for pushing through challenges with grace and positivity. We are so proud of our faculty, staff, students, families and community! We appreciate your dedication, resourcefulness, contributions and prayers!

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