December 4, 2021: The Lost Wallet
“My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O Lord; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up” (Ps. 5:3, KJV).
Sabbath morning dawned bright and fair, but icily cold. It gave every appearance of imminent snow, and, sure enough, I could soon see the flurries making their unique design on my windowpane! From all accounts earlier in the week, the church service promised to be a real blessing. My husband and sons were ready to go, and all I needed was my pocketbook. A quick look inside revealed that my wallet was not in its usual place. I tried not to panic and began to search all the likely places I might have left it.
An inner voice kept telling me that I was just wasting time. I pushed it aside, but another frantic search through the house and car yielded no positive results. I decided I might have left it at the nearby high school where I taught, but a quick trip there proved fruitless. By then I was totally despondent and sure that the prayers we had offered up were not helping. Should I wallow in self-pity, remain at home and allow my family to go on to church without me? I certainly was not in the mood for praise or rejoicing. Nevertheless, I yielded to the voice of faith, not doubt. “Dear God, please see me through this situation,” I whispered.
Although late, my family and I made our way to church. A wonderful sermon brought a new commitment to Christ from our firstborn. And more joyous news arrived: Two days later, my husband searched the car again and found my missing wallet!
Lord, help us to trust You through all the vicissitudes of life. Amen.
Gloriadine Bramble is a member of the Bucks County church in Pennsylvania.