August 31, 2021: ‘Jesus, Save Me!’
“I call on the Lord in my distress, and He answers me” (Ps. 120:1, NIV).
The wind and the waves crashed against the small fishing vessel, threatening to sink the boat and all its occupants. The boat pitched and yawned in the waves. The wind howled, and the ocean roared. The disciples were terrified. Out of the mist and gloom of the storm, the disciples were astonished to see Jesus walking toward them on the water. Peter, the most outspoken disciple, was the first to act.
Not truly believing that it was Jesus, Peter says, “Lord, if it’s you, tell me to come out on the water.” Jesus replies, “Come.” So out Peter comes, hauling himself over the side of the boat, and tentatively placing his feet on the water. With shaking hands, he lets go of the sides of the boat and begins to walk toward his Savior. As he walks, he feels the tempest wind, tastes the angry sea spray and his eyes drift from Jesus to the chaos around him. He begins to sink. “Jesus, save me!” Immediately, Jesus reaches down and lifts Peter up.
In Peter’s distress, he cried to God, and God heard him. In my distress, I cry out to God and He hears me. In your distress, cry out to God and He will hear you.
When going through storms in life, it’s easy to focus on the chaos and tempest around you. It’s easy to lose sight of God and focus on the problem. However, Psalm 120:1 testifies that when we call on the Lord, He will answer. “Jesus is the same yesterday and today and forever” (Heb. 13:8). The same God who answered Peter’s desperate prayer, can and will answer yours.
Lord God, save me! Hear my prayer. Amen.
Gabriel Morency is a sophomore at Takoma Academy in Maryland.