June 18, 2021: I Know He Cares!
“Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you” (1 Pet. 5:7, NKJV).
This has been my comfort text since I was baptized at age 17. Just out of high school, and not knowing how I should steer my life, I cast all my burdens upon the Lord. I asked God for guidance in my career choice, overseas studies and job opportunities. At times, I wondered, Does God really care for me? A teenager?
Yes, Jesus cares! When several jobs fell through because of Sabbath-keeping concerns, God opened a door for me to study at a Seventh-day Adventist junior college. The teachers were kind and loving; their Christlikeness transformed me. After graduating, I looked for a teaching job, with no success. All the government schools held classes on Sabbath.
There were times when I almost gave in to the voice that slyly said, “It’s OK to work a few hours on Sabbath morning. You can still go to church afterward; surely God will understand!” Then I heard a much louder voice! “Get thee behind me, Satan.”
In my darkest, most discouraging moments, God opened another door for me. A Seventh-day Adventist school principal invited me to teach their fifth- and sixth-grade class. My heart rejoiced with thanksgiving!
Psalm 55:22 says, “Give your worries to the Lord, and He will take care of you. He will never let good people down” (NCV). Let us cast our burdens of life on Jesus today, for He will take us through every storm.
Lord, as someone once said, “If we fall, our Good Shepherd is there to pick us up and help us mount the bike of life again.” May Your guiding hands steer us through open doors. Amen.
Linda Mei Lin Koh is a member of the Capital Chinese church in Maryland.