May 29, 2021: He Healed Me Instead
“And lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world” (Matt. 28:20, KJV).
The year was 2014. My mother had just been diagnosed with cancer. I had all the confidence and faith in the world that God would heal her; He didn’t. Instead, He healed me.
During all the days of radiation, I continued to keep the faith. During the days of chemo, I claimed every scriptural promise that I could think of: on asking, receiving, believing and healing. Deep down inside, I just knew that God was going to heal my mom; He didn’t. Instead, He healed me.
During one of her sickest days, I finally hit my breaking point. In anger, frustration and deep brokenness, I went to God expressing my sincere disappointment. And that’s when He gave me Matthew 28:20 to not only strengthen me in that moment, but to carry me for years to come. It has anchored me in storms, comforted me when hurt, blanketed me when lonely, surrounded me when threatened and healed and restored me when shattered.
In the death of my mother, God, in His sovereign goodness, was delivering to me a “Beyond the Moment” faith. He was preparing me by giving me a word, a verse, that would transcend any situation that I would ever face: death, divorce, loss of job, family, home or health. He wanted me to comprehend that He would always be with me.
In 2014, I believed that God would heal my mother; He didn’t. Instead, He healed me. My prayer is that He heals you too.
Dear God, please heal those who are hurting. Amen.
K. L. Watkins is the principal of the Sharon Temple Adventist School in Delaware.