February 7, 2021: From Test to Testimony
“But He knoweth the way that I take: when He hath tried me I shall come forth as gold” (Job 23:10, KJV).
No matter how turbulent the tests God sends or allows in my life, this scripture gives me an assurance of His abiding presence. In my experience, God’s tests help to grow my patience, faith and trust in Him. The following test took me to a new level of trust in God’s faithfulness, and became my testimony:
In November 2017, I relocated to Baltimore from Columbia, Md. Despite uncertainty about this untimely move, I was grateful for God’s goodness: I was closer to my church, met new friends and was able to witness in the community. Nonetheless, the daily commute to my job in Columbia became wearisome and caused anxiety. I started to pray earnestly about moving back to Columbia to be near my family and job, but could not find affordable housing.
One day, I drove by an apartment community in an ideal location. “Lord, I want to live here,” I said. Every day, I drove by, until, in December 2019, the Holy Spirit impressed me to submit an application. Unfortunately, there were no vacancies, but the very kind woman in the office added me to their waiting list. Months went by and winter road conditions made my 30-minute commute even more challenging. “How much longer, Lord?” I asked.
In January 2020, the Holy Spirit impressed me to go back to the community. Finally, there was a vacancy! On February 7, 2020, God moved me back to Columbia, closer to my family and my job, just where I had prayed to live— and just before the coronavirus pandemic escalated.
Regardless of the duration and size of the test, God always knows what is best.
Father, thank You for bringing me forth as gold. Amen.
Pamela Pinder is a member of the Liberty church in Maryland.
Read more devotionals:
February 1, 2021: The Patient
February 2, 2021: Trust God
February 3, 2021: What Does it Take to Be a Hero?
February 4, 2021: A Lame Man is Healed
February 5, 2021: When Silence Speaks Louder Than Words
February 6, 2021: Plans That Included Me
February 7, 2021: From Test to Testimony
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