Connecting Columbia Union Seventh-day Adventists

North American Division Hosts First Treasurer Orientation

Story by V. Michelle Bernard

After communicating with denominationally employed treasurers around the world, Ann Gibson, assistant to the General Conference treasurer for treasurer training and emerita professor for accounting at Andrews University (Mich.), says she saw a need for training sessions for new treasurers.

That need was realized when the North American Division hosted the first Treasurer Orientation at the Columbia Union Conference headquarters in Columbia, Md., this week.

Seventy treasurers from around North America gathered for sessions on financial topics, office management, and church structure and to learn about resources available to them, says Tom Evans, NAD treasurer and event co-organizer.

Gibson (pictured), who co-organized the event, says treasurers working in small conferences often don’t have a support staff. She adds the session provides further training and provides the professionals with a network of colleagues they can email or call for help. “I think this will strengthen the church around the world,” she says.

Karen Senecal, Ohio Conference treasurer, has served as a conference treasurer for four years, and found the meeting productive. “It’s always helpful to be in a place with others who are doing the same thing you are doing. … Sometimes [they are] facing the same challenges I am. Sometimes they are facing other challenges, but that is also good to know about because I may face those in the future,” she says.

Candace Nurse, chief financial officer of the Allegheny West Conference, adds that the meeting is “Exposing me to a different aspect of my job and it is allowing me to see the things I need to enhance—communication with my executive committee and staff. It is making me more confident in the things I’m doing in regard to financial statements, conflict management and evaluations.”

Gibson reports that similar events are needed and will be held throughout the world in upcoming years, with some already planned in Africa, Australia and Europe. “I think the big picture down the road would be all of the officers in the ecclesiastical side of the church would be constantly trained and updated to the major issues that they have to deal with everyday,” she adds.

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