Ohio Students Exhibit Creativity in Art Auction
Story by Heidi Shoemaker
The gymnasium was transformed into an art gallery. A pianist played live music while nearly 150 guests sipped sparkling juice and nibbled on hors d’oeuvres, served by upper grade students. Students of the Mayfair Christian School (MCS) in Uniontown created the art on display. Interspersed between the art exhibition and auction, seventh- and eighth-grade students shared a diverse selection of performances.
“MCS has always had an art auction where $200 to $300 were raised,” says Miriam Troup, MCS principal. “We decided to put a different spin on this event.”
Creativity abounded as students displayed multiple mediums of art: clay figurines, a fusion of clay and basket weaving, abstract tempera paint pours and studies in shape were shown in their colorful glory. Attendees bid on select pieces during a silent auction. A live auctioneer auctioned a plethora of community-donated goods and services. By the close of the semi-formal event, the artwork brought in more than $4,000 for MCS.
Troup comments, “I believe that this event was blessed by God. Community businesses, school staff, students and members from the Akron First and Bethel churches made all of this possible.”
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