Connecting Columbia Union Seventh-day Adventists


Psalms is comprised of spiritual journals---personal letters or prayers to God---in the form of poetry. And poetry’s function is not to explain or theologize but to offer images and stories that resonate with our lives. Rob Vandeman serves as executive secretary of the Columbia Union Conference and will blog through the Psalms here in 2017.

Vandeman has always had a special love of the Psalms. As a pastor he occasionally taught and preached from the Psalms and had a real sense of their use in public Worship. While senior pastor of Chesapeake's flagship church at Spencerville, MD he authored the teacher's edition of the adult Sabbath School Lesson Quarterly on the Psalms (3Q90).

Photo by a colori on Flickr

Psalm 23 has rightly found its place in the hearts of Christian readers. Praying the psalm helps one to express trust in God and to experience calm in the midst of life’s troubles, including imminent death. There are, in this best known and most loved of all psalms, two graphic pictures of God’s intimate relationship with one of His people.