Connecting Columbia Union Seventh-day Adventists

This Month's Issue

This year marks 500 years since Martin Luther posted his 95 Theses on the Castle Church door in Wittenberg, Germany (Oct. 31, 1517), challenging the established religious beliefs and practices of his denomination, and launching the Protestant Reformation. Conscientiously, he could not reconcile church practices with biblical teachings as he understood them. 

What do wild crocodiles in New Guinea and yellow Lamborghinis in Paris have in common? “They’re both featured in this collection of fabulous stories that come from my life as a missionary kid, a bit of a world traveler, and a hapless co-conspirator in all sorts of unintended adventures.

For many years, the conference Adventist Book Center (ABC) was the place to get your “veggie meat.” Traditionally, located in the basement or backroom of a conference office building, church, or on an academy campus, and mostly geared to Adventist customers, the ABC of 20+ years ago has had to evolve to stay alive. Unfortunately, not all of them have survived.

Columbia Union Conference Executive Leadership (back row) Dave Weigley, Rob Vandeman and Seth Bardu honor the 2016 Notable Persons of Honor (front row) Marilyn Peeke, Sahilys Fuentes, Minnie McNeil, Tim Engelkeimer and Pam Scheib

Al cierre de la reunión del Comité Ejecutivo realizada en noviembre en la sede central de la unión en Columbia, Maryland, los líderes reconocieron a un grupo de siete personas que han trabajado ‘diligentemente’ para el Señor en el territorio de la Unión de Columbia. Rob Vandeman, secretario ejecutivo, introdujo a los honrados. “Estas personas han sido fieles a su llamado al compartir el mensaje de Jesús”, dijo.