Conference Dedicates Pavilion, Celebrates Baptisms
Story by Francis Tuffour
During a joint English and Spanish camp meeting, the Ohio Conference dedicated its new multi-purpose pavilion at Camp Mohaven in Danville. The event was one of the key highlights of the 2024 camp meeting, celebrating the new facility and the baptism of 34 individuals. The conference constructed the building under the theme, “Building for Eternity.” It was designed to support youth’s physical and spiritual development and serve as an evangelistic training center.
The Ohio Conference had the groundbreaking ceremony during the 2023 camp meeting and dedicated it during the gathering in 2024. Bob Cundiff, conference president, reflected on the 2023 camp meeting, where he had promised that the pavilion would be ready by 2024. “And here we are today, praise God,” Cundiff remarked. “We thank each of you who pressed together around this vision to help make this dream a reality. Today is a truly historic day for our conference. It is not only historic because of our new home, but also because it is our first multiethnic camp meeting. We wanted the entire family to be together for this momentous occasion.”
Groups Vivo Worship and the Tucker Trio complemented the dedication ceremony with beautiful music and stirring performances throughout the event. The Tucker Trio continued their performance during the Sabbath afternoon concert, contributing to the spiritual atmosphere of the day and uplifting the spirits of all who were present.
Marcellus T. Robinson, president of the Columbia Union Conference, praised the Ohio Conference for its commitment to building for God’s kingdom. “You are serious about kingdombuilding for God here in Ohio Conference,” he stated. “You have a beautiful theme, ‘Building for Eternity,’ which reflects the visionary leadership of your president, Dr. Cundiff.”
In his sermon, Cundiff compared the pavilion’s dedication to Solomon’s dedication of the temple in 1 Kings 5 and 6. Following the sermon, he invited the 200 people to the ribbon-cutting ceremony. Cundiff and Wiston Zuniga, pastor of the Ebenezer Hispanic church in Cleveland, led the dedicatory prayer, praising and asking for God’s blessing on the building and its future use.
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