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Unconventional Blessings: Jesus ‘Shows Up’ at Funeral, Allegheny West, Central church

Unconventional Blessings: Jesus ‘Shows Up’ at Funeral

Story by Keisha Bone

In a remarkable display of faith amid sorrow, the Central church in Columbus, Ohio, witnessed a historic moment of spiritual rebirth during the funeral service of a beloved member’s son. Under the pastoral guidance of Carl Maceo Bailey Jr., the church embraced an extraordinary opportunity to celebrate life and reaffirm commitment to faith, as seven individuals chose to be baptized during the somber occasion.

The funeral service, held on a serene Thursday afternoon, initially set the tone for a solemn farewell to Tyron Sowell, the son of church member Lori Burns. Yet, as Bailey began to deliver words of comfort and hope, a palpable sense of spiritual presence permeated the sanctuary, igniting an unexpected call to renewal using Mark 15:34.

Sowell had mentioned to Bailey a year prior that he wanted to give his life to Christ. It would be almost a year to date that he would pass. “This has changed the entire trajectory of my ministry. When people say they are ready to follow Christ, we must take them seriously,” says Bailey. God spoke through the tragic loss of Sowell, and it was as if the heavens themselves opened and the stirring of the Holy Spirit moved in the room. In that moment, Bailey sensed a divine prompting to extend an invitation for those present to publicly affirm their faith through baptism. Then Jesus “showed up.”

Among the congregation, family and friends of the bereaved, seven individuals responded to the pastor’s call with unwavering determination. Their decision to embrace baptism during a time of mourning underscored the great intersection of grief and spiritual awakening.

The baptismal ceremony, typically reserved for designated services, unfolded amid the backdrop of mourning, infusing the funeral with an unexpected aura of joy and renewal. As each candidate stepped into the baptismal pool, tears mingled with smiles, embodying the complex emotions inherent in moments of profound transition.

For Bailey and the Central church community, the baptismal service served as a poignant reminder of the transformative power of faith and the Holy Spirit.

“Only God can do that at a funeral with a perfect number of seven. Hallelujah!” says Marvin C. Brown, III, conference president.

“The decision of these individuals to embrace baptism amid mourning is a testament to the enduring hope found in Christ’s promise of new life,” says Bailey. “The ripple effects of this extraordinary event stretched far beyond the confines of the church walls, inspiring conversations about redemption and the capacity for spiritual growth amid life’s most challenging moments.”

As the Central church continues to evangelize their community, the memory of this unprecedented baptismal service serves as a beacon of hope at the funeral where Jesus showed up.

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