The Power of 40
Story by Ashley Boggess
After 40 days of rain, Earth was being remodeled. After 40 years as a shepherd, Moses was ready to be a leader. He spent 40 days on the mountain of God and returned with a holy glow that unsettled the people of Israel, requiring him to wear a veil. After 40 years in the wilderness, Israel was ready to enter the Promised Land and cross the Jordan River.
Transitions, change, remodeling and renewal are all connected to spans of 40. Jesus, Himself, spent 40 days in the wilderness to prepare for His ministry.
Lake Nelson Adventist Academy (LNAA) began an initiative this year in connection with their year’s spiritual theme, “Crossing the Jordan.” This initiative, “Forty Days of Prayer,” is a commitment to pray every day at 10 a.m. Each day, they pause and pray collectively in their classrooms. Parents are joining them from their places of work—praying to prepare themselves, their children and LNAA to “Cross the Jordan.”
One parent of third-grader Keren Lebron explains, “The Forty Days of Prayer” has been a wonderful tool to stretch our muscles of faith. Every day at 10, no matter where I am, I take the time to send a short prayer. We trust that, through this exercise, the students can see the mighty power of prayer and how it can transform their lives. It has helped me in my faith walk to live with less anxiety and cast all my cares on Him.”
LNAA staff is thankful they have the freedom in their school to pray whenever and wherever they want. They are also thankful for the opportunities God has provided during these 40 days. The campus is visited by support staff, such as a nurse and an English Language Learner teacher, that have been able to witness the school’s commitment to these days of prayer. As the “Forty Days of Prayer” slowly comes to an end, staff, students and family members have been able to witness the power of 40. Forty is transformative, and they have seen transformation. LNAA leadership praises God for His protection, blessings and unconditional love. One day soon, by God’s grace, may they “Cross the Jordan” together.
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