Parents and School Unite for Kids
Story by Tamyra Horst
Three Harrisburg Adventist School (HAS) students were recently baptized at the Harrisburg First church, thanks to the commitment of parents, staff and pastors.
Esther Zou and Talanoa Taufa’ao made the commitment to be baptized after a school Week of Prayer last year. They also attended a weekly follow-up Bible study with Pastor Ray Christman, then administrator of the school.
Jireh Loñoza was growing in his relationship with Jesus at Adventist schools in Timor-Leste and the Philippines before moving to Harrisburg this past summer when his mom, Janette, joined HAS as the third through fifth grade teacher.
Before the three were baptized, parents studied with their children using Making Jesus My Best Friend, a baptismal guide for children, authored by Claudio and Pamela Consuegra, members of the Harrisburg church. Claudio baptized Zou and Taufa’ao (pictured). Kevin Costello, conference trea- surer, baptized Loñoza, who also dedicated him as a baby when both families lived in the Philippines.
“Our Pennsylvania educators are intentional about partnering with parents to provide opportunities for children to grow in their relationship with God,” says Leona Bange, conference education superintendent.
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