Connecting Columbia Union Seventh-day Adventists

New Jersey Conference Pathfinder Clubs Celebrate the 74th Annual World Pathfinder Day

Story by Reina Zapata-Mendez

World Pathfinder Day is a special Sabbath where Pathfinders around the globe celebrate the essence of being a Pathfinder, making the day vibrant with singing, preaching, smiles, and the undeniable Pathfinder Spirit. This year’s theme, “Jesus Camps with You,” emphasized the comforting presence of Jesus in every step of our journey. The annual celebration truly embodies the motto: We Are Pathfinder Strong!

The celebration began at sunset on Friday night, September 20, in the Northeast area of the New Jersey Conference (NJC), led by Pathfinder Area Coordinator Gabriel Prado at the Passaic II Church. The event saw a gathering of over 100 Pathfinders, staff, and church members. The Friday night event was also livestreamed on NJC Youth’s YouTube channel and Facebook page.

On early Sabbath morning, clubs from the southern part of NJC congregated at the Alms Center in Bridgeton, NJ. This activity, led by Pathfinder State Coordinator Aby Jimenez and Master Guides, attracted over 250 participants.

Many clubs also held their own celebrations in their home churches and surrounding areas, with Pathfinders leading out in Sabbath school and divine worship services, witnessing a commendable turnout. The creativity of the club directors, Pathfinders, and staff was showcased in their churches, ranging from tents and starry-filled backdrops to campfires and even some s’mores! The food did not disappoint.

A significant highlight of this year’s celebration was the extensive community service undertaken by nearly all clubs. Pathfinders engaged in various acts of kindness and service, truly embodying the spirit of compassion and outreach. Clubs visited the elderly, offering companionship, music, craft projects, and prayers, which brought immense joy and comfort to many. They also organized food drives, distributing essential supplies to those in need, and provided meals to the homeless, ensuring that no one was left hungry.

In addition, Pathfinders participated in the distribution of literature, sharing inspirational and educational materials with their communities. These activities not only made a tangible difference but also instilled a sense of responsibility and service in the young Pathfinders.

As the Sabbath hours concluded, many clubs and areas organized social activities, ensuring a fun and enjoyable end to the day for the Pathfinders. These activities included games, music, and fellowship, fostering a strong sense of community and camaraderie.

It was a beautifully blessed and fun-filled day, marked by acts of service and love, say conference Pathfinder leaders.

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