Do You Love Me?
Story by Francis Tuffour
Do You Love Me? is Marius E. Marton’s latest book, published this year. Marton was an evangelist before settling down as a pastor. After holding more than 100 prophecy seminars in three languages in the United States, Hungary and his home country of Romania, Marton felt the call to write a book that would answer many questions about the seventh-day Sabbath. During his many years of ministry, he met many wonderful people who loved the Lord but did not know about the true Sabbath.
Readers share that this is an excellent book for people who want to strengthen their faith in the seventh-day Sabbath and an evangelistic tool for new believers and potential Bible students. It is written in very clear and simple language and surrounded by many personal stories of a pastor escaping the Romanian communist regime in the 1980s. This book also teaches the reader about a genuine relationship with Jesus and what that looks like in our worship.
Tony Anobile, vice president for Church Ministries at the Southwestern Union Conference, says, “My assessment is that this is a great resource for new believers or those that are searching for truth. It’s simple and easy to understand—which is always great.”
For more information about Marton’s book, email marius.marton@ohioadventist.org.
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