Chesapeake Conference Members Gather for 'Seeds Vision'
Story by Evan Knott
Chesapake Conference recently hosted its annual “Seeds Vision” church planting conference at the North American Division (NAD) headquarters in Columbia, Md. This event, integral to the Chesapeake Conference’s ambitious goal of establishing 35 new churches by 2025, brought together notable speakers and church leaders to discuss strategies for reaching unreached communities in the Chesapeake region.
The event featured guest speakers Tim Madding, director of the NAD Evangelism Institute (Mich.), and Michael Lewis, a seasoned church planter from the South Central Conference (Tenn.). Both emphasized the importance of planting new churches as a means of sharing the gospel with unreached people groups.
A highlight of the conference was the Sabbath worship service, featuring a sermon by Ted N.C. Wilson, president of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. Delivering a sermon titled, “No Distractions,” Wilson, a member of Chesapeake Conference’s Triadelphia church in Clarksville, Md., urged attendees to stay focused on mission without getting sidetracked by worldly concerns.
The “35 by 25” initiative, launched in 2019, has been a driving force behind Chesapeake Conference's church planting efforts. The “Seeds Vision” conference serves as a crucial training and vision-casting platform, encouraging members to actively participate in this endeavor. The confer- ence also spotlighted the REACH Baltimore 2025 initiative, a collaboration between Chesapeake Conference, Allegheny East Conference, and It Is Written, focusing on a significant evangelistic effort in Baltimore over the next two years.
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