Blue Mountain Academy Student Reflects Christ to Others
Story by Silvia Lutick
Lavinia Postiglione, a student at Blue Mountain Academy (BMA), is an example of the Holy Spirit at work, say school staff. As a junior, she has made a difference in the lives of her peers and family.
“Coming to BMA was one of the best decisions I have made. The environment you find here is not one you can easily find at other academies. The campus is surrounded by mountains and trees. You are constantly being able to observe the beautiful creations made by God. When I’m going and coming from classes, it’s quiet, but it’s in that silence that God’s voice is the loudest,” she shares. “Blue Mountain Academy is an important key for my spiritual life flourishing. When I first arrived, I felt alone because I didn’t know anyone. However, I knew that there was someone that was always there for me, and that was Christ—my best friend. Today, I can say thanks to BMA that my relationship with Jesus has progressively become more solid.”
As president of her class, Postiglione strives to be a positive role model to her peers. Her main goal is to lead the class closer to each other and Jesus. She also participates in Bel Canto, one of the school’s choirs.
Brazil is home for Postiglione, but like several other students, BMA is a second home. It is there where students have opportunities to grow mentally, physically and spiritually, strengthening their characters in Christ Jesus. Postiglione speaks Portuguese and English, using her gifts to minister to the school community.
Praying for God to use her, Postiglione has formed ripples of impact, impressing those around her. Though her father is Catholic, he has supported his daughter’s conviction and attends her school and church events. This means a lot to her, for it’s through these events that seeds have been planted. Striving to do her best, Postiglione takes her studies seriously, being an inspiration to her classmates.
BMA is a vital source of spiritual growth and emotional support for the students, say school leaders. As each individual touches another, lives are changed, connections are made and the world becomes a smaller, more compassionate place. Let us never be ashamed of the gospel, planting seeds wherever we go.
“Life is about taking opportunities and building relationships,” says Burney Culpepper, principal. “Here at Blue Mountain Academy, we make it our mission to guide each student in their walk with Jesus and equip them to plant seeds of faith in others.”
Learn more about the Blue Mountain Academy experience at bma.us.
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