Young Adults Flock to Shiloh Church for IGNITE and ROAR
Story by Tiffany Forde
Allegheny West Conference’s (AWC) Shiloh church in Cincinnati recently hosted IGNITE and ROAR, two powerful programs specifically curated by young adults for young adults.
The purpose of the day was to create an atmosphere of worship where young adults in the Greater Cincinnati and the AWC region could unite, fellowship, serve the community and experience the goodness of God. Spearheaded by Pace Fordham, Shiloh associate pastor, more than 200 young people attended the day’s events.
IGNITE took place during the worship service, featuring music from Voices of Triumph (VOT) of Oakwood University (Ala.) and Que Hayden, youth pastor at the Grand Concourse church in Bronx, N.Y., who preached. Attendees then ate lunch and packed hundreds of bags with toiletry items to donate to Shiloh’s community service center for the residents of Avondale.
The ROAR program took place in the evening. While in Huntsville, Ala., Fordham and Hayden and other college students created ROAR for those looking for a Jesus-based community centered around fellowship, worship, prayer and encouragement.
Attendees say that Shiloh’s sanctuary was filled with the spirit of God during the service. Throughout the night, the VOT and the ROAR praise team led in a worship time, interspersed with prayer and heartfelt testimonies. Before the end of the night, eight individuals committed their lives to Jesus through baptism.
Organizers say the night was a testament to the power of the Holy Spirit and a great reminder that the future of the church is in good hands with young servant leaders inspired by God.
For more information on ROAR, visit roarworship.com.
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