Treasury Staff Focuses on Well-Being at Fall Meeting
Story by V. Michelle Bernard
This week, some 80 finance and treasury professionals gathered in Columbia, Md., for the Columbia Union Conference’s Fall Treasury Meeting, themed, “Leading in Wellbeing.”
Emmanuel Asiedu, Columbia Union treasurer, says, “I believe this focus on wellness will help the treasury team to be intentional in bringing alignment in their physical, mental, spiritual and financial health so that they can do their best. Treasury is one the most essential duties in doing mission for the Lord. Without careful financial management, a competent treasury team, and mission-minded accountants and treasurers, the mission would be stalled.”
Attendees listened to presentations on leadership, Adventist Risk Management, well-being, retirement planning and other topics from several North American Division and General Conference departments.
Roy Simpson, Ohio Conference treasurer, says the information shared was important, noting that at times local conferences don’t have the same resources to provide similar trainings.
Kandice Alexander, a staff accountant at the Allegheny East Conference, says she liked the emphasis on mental health. Reflecting on Pardon Mwansa’s presentation—an associate professor at Andrews University (Mich.) who spoke on inclusive leadership—Alexander says she appreciated the idea of being more inclusive, not just of different peoples and cultures, but of mindsets.
Asiedu adds that gathering “the whole treasury team sends a message that we value collective wisdom, sharing and learning together to be the best for the Lord. This gathering helps us to know one another and network among ourselves.”
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