Sweeten the Season
Story by V. Michelle Bernard
Looking for a fun, festive event to host this holiday season? Chesapeake Conference’s Rock Hall (Md.) church is hosting its 13th cookie party this year. Since 2010, members have decorated and baked cookies together with church and community members at the church’s holiday party.
Event organizer Vickie Anderson says they planned the event—drawing about 10 to 20 nonmembers—so participants from infancy up to 90 years old can have fun. Attendees also deliver cookies to those who can’t bake for themselves. “It’s great to see all of the smiles on everyone’s faces at the cookie party. I think Jesus must have a smile on His face as well to see our children sharing with and caring about others,” she says.
Here are some other ideas to sweeten the holiday season for those around you:
• Bake cookies and share them with neighbors or care home residents who can’t bake for themselves.
• Invite a new church member or neighbor who doesn’t have family or friends nearby to your home for Christmas.
• Set a slightly lower spending budget for presents. Donate the difference to Adventist Community Services or another organization that makes an impact in your neighborhood.
• Volunteer to play games or watch Christmas movies with seniors at a local care home.
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