Share the Beauty of the Sabbath With Others
SABBATH, a recently released documentary available on the PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) app, shows several interviews from prominent Seventh-day Adventists and highlights the health and spiritual benefits of the Sabbath. How can your church use this film as a ministry tool? Here are a couple of ideas:
Host a screening event at your church with a discussion time after. The idea of taking a Sabbath rest is really popular these days. Invite your community via social media, by placing announcements in local community calendars and through personal invitation. Learn how to hold a screening at journeyfilms.com/sabbath.
Watch the documentary, and then share inspiring tidbits on your personal social media accounts.(There are a lot of interesting new factoids that inspire and affirm the practice of the Sabbath.)
Are you facing burnout? Create a small group to watch the documentary, and follow it up with a weekly discussion. Discuss a facet of the Sabbath each week (rest, relationship with God, trusting God, etc.), and check in on the other group members who may be struggling.
Preach a sermon or host a health training session on the benefits of Sabbath-keeping. Focus on the research the documentary provides and concrete ways people can bring more rest into their lives.
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