New Beginnings, Same Purpose
Story by Burney Culpepper
A new school year has begun at Blue Mountain Academy (BMA). The halls are filled with students talking and laughing as they make new friends and reconnect with others. Classrooms are already a place of learning, worshipping and praying together. BMA is excited to again partner with families in pro- viding students a safe place to grow academically, socially and spiritually. Last year, seven young peo- ple committed their lives to Jesus through baptism. Staff can’t wait to see how God impacts this year.
There are several changes happening on cam- pus—upgrades to the facility and new team members who bring passion and have a desire to see students grow spiritually and build an even stronger academic program at BMA.
Nadia Trossero, the new vice principal of Academics, is responsible for planning, implement- ing and coordinating academic programs, including the daily class schedules. An accomplished educa- tor and administrator, Trossero is passionate about creating a place where educators feel supported and equipped to help students excel academically.
Kerene Anglin has transitioned to vice principal of Student Services and will focus on supporting stu- dents and their needs, including their spiritual and emotional health. Anglin will work to create a cam- pus culture that promotes student success, provides a safe and welcoming campus environment, and builds community. She will oversee dorm life and serve as the dean for day students—a new position that will provide more support for this group.
Daryl Gay Tanamal, the new business manager and chief financial officer, is excited about enabling parents to meet tuition needs and providing bud- getary oversight. She served in the Southern Asia-Pacific Division for more than 23 years, most recently as associate treasurer.
In early December 2022, we welcomed Adam Bially as the senior pastor at BMA. Since his arrival, Bially has seamlessly integrated into our academy, establishing connections with numerous students and staff members. His friendly demeanor and compassionate nature have made a lasting impression on those he has encountered.
Antonio Gil serves as an assistant dean, chaplain and religion teacher at BMA. His genuine conversa- tions, impactful Bible studies and heartfelt prayers have endeared him to the students. Gil also actively participates in intramurals sports, Sabbath hikes and other weekend events, further building connec- tions with the students.
Trena Murphy, the new music director, has a pas- sion for music that is only surpassed by her desire to share the love of Jesus. Murphy eagerly looks forward to connecting with the students at BMA, building meaningful relationships and making a positive impact through her musical expertise.
Bradley Culpepper has joined the team as the physical education teacher. He is passionate about maintaining a program that ensures each student is physically active—equipping them to live fit and healthfully, adding to their academic success.
Learn more about the BMA Experience at bma.us.
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