My Kind of Vacation!
Editorial by Griselda Jobe
I am a product of Vacation Bible School (VBS).
When I was young, my home life was difficult. My parents weren’t spiritual, nor did they have a religious affiliation. Longing for something I felt was lacking, I was curious about God’s existence. One day, my neighbor invited me to VBS at her church. For the first time in my life, I heard about a Man on a cross who loved me very much!
Forty years later, I treasure that beautiful encounter with my Savior. At my current church, I have a passion for VBS; seeing new faces from my neighborhood is always an amazing experience.
During the pandemic, my church held a virtual VBS. A young boy tuned in whose mother recently died of breast cancer. He had never heard about Jesus nor owned a Bible, but through VBS, he was able to have an encounter with Jesus. Today, he is an Adventurer at my church, and his grandmother is a regular visitor.
Virtual VBS impacted two other kids in the neighborhood. As a result of their participation, their mother recommitted her life to Jesus, and the family now attends my church and Adventurer club. We are praying that “Dad” will soon join them.
This summer, I encourage you to embrace the opportunity to share Jesus in your community through the ministry of VBS. Is it hard work? Yes. Is it worth it? Yes. Jesus reminds us in Matthew 18:14 that “it is not My heavenly Father’s will that even one of these little ones should perish” (NLT).
Remind your congregation that there are children waiting to meet Jesus, and there
is a God in heaven who loves them more than the world will ever love them. As Ellen White puts it, “At every suitable opportunity let the story of Jesus’ love be repeated to the children” (Gospel Workers, p. 208).
As you plan for this year’s VBS at your church, remember to include in your prayers, “Lord, give one precious soul,” and I believe with all my heart that He will honor your request.
Griselda Jobe serves as associate pastor for Children’s and Family Ministries at Potomac Conference’s Takoma Park church in Takoma Park, Md.
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