Highland View Academy Experiences Revival on Campus
Story by April Lutz
Every new school year brings its joys, challenges and new faces. This year at Highland View Academy (HVA), it also brought the presence of Gem Castor,
a missionary and prayer coordinator for ASAP Ministries, who led the fall Week of Prayer. Students were immediately taken with his exuberant personality, easy-going nature, genuine desire to spend time with them, and dear connection with Christ through constant prayer.
This year’s theme, “Absolute Reliance,” was clear throughout Castor’s messages. He shared an abundance of personal testimonies and those of his acquaintances, and about the miracles and provi- dence that will come when you lean on Christ in all things. Castor spoke transparently and joyfully about his faith, highlighting how real God is in his daily life.
Junior Lissa Martins Godoi appreciated the fact that nothing Castor said was “too hard to understand; it was simple, real and showed that prayer works.”
Freshmen Matt Dela Paz and Josua Stander emphasized how Castor’s fun personality brought them closer to God while broadening their view on the power of prayer.
Castor shared story after story on simple prayers being answered, as well as seemingly impossible situations finding resolution because of total reliance on God. He challenged and encouraged students and staff to simply place absolute faith in the power of God to provide, and his stories proved how willing God is to step in, if they just faithfully ask. Students were amazed by the real-life presence of God throughout Castor’s life and work, and they left the meetings longing to have such stories of faith, reliance and providence to claim as their own.
Throughout the week, student after student saw the revival happening, felt the pull on their own hearts, and even encouraged their teachers in moments of frustration to pray for a resolution. Junior Dani Flores appreciated how Castor was able to “share his experiences while acknowledging and validating [her] own.” And it was this genuine, caring and accepting nature—one so clearly modeled after Christ—that reached the students so impactfully.
After six days of worshipping, praying and fel- lowshipping together, the week culminated in a high Sabbath and agape feast. Nine students decided to be baptized, and nearly the entire student body made a commitment to support and encourage those who are actively searching for a more personal relationship and reliance on God. The HVA students said they were reminded of how real God is and are now excited to begin seeing Him work in their own lives because of their newfound dedication to prayer. “Prayer is the breath of the soul and the life of a school,” says Elijah Ramjattan, school chaplain. “Starting our year off with a Week of Prayer led by Gem Castor has proven to be a great blessing. Some of our students had never experienced prayer in such a tangible way. It has given an incredible boost to our campuswide spiritual atmosphere.”
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