High School Musicians Share Their Talents on Tour
Story by Heidi Wetmore
The Spencerville Adventist Academy Concert Winds traveled to Massachusetts earlier this year for their first-ever concert tour.
The group performed for a Friday vespers program at the Stoneham (Mass.) Memorial church, located about 10 miles from Boston. They spent Sabbath at the College church in Northampton, Mass., located adjacent to the former campus of Atlantic Union College. There the students participated in the worship service and presented an afternoon concert.
The music tour provided opportunities for the students—who mostly associate with others in their own instrument sections—to get to know each other outside of rehearsal. “We bonded a lot,” says Victoria Halverstadt. “As a freshman, I made more friends with the upperclassmen.”
Lisa Froelich, director, especially enjoyed the time spent at the Stoneham church. “We performed for their newly started vespers series,” she shares. “It’s a smaller-sized church, so I wasn’t sure how 46 players, plus percussion equipment, would fit in the space provided. It turned out to be the best surprise, creating perfect acoustics. The students said it was the first time they could truly hear each other, and many agreed it was the best they had ever played. The congregation was also moved by the stories that I shared behind the music being performed. … They expressed their gratitude by a surprise standing ovation at the end.”
The students lingered for almost an hour after the concert to talk with the Stoneham church members. “There was a different happiness that we experienced being able to see the genuine appreciation and warmth from the faces of the audience. They were kind and so thankful and made me feel like we had really touched their hearts and reached them,” says Leighvanni Kennedy, a junior.
“Normally, we perform for parents and our own Spencerville church community,” adds Froelich. “This time, we took our talents on the road and performed for people who may not have heard of our school before. It automatically raised the bar and the students rose to the occasion. … I’m proud of this outstanding group of students.”
Senior Amandine Moorooven comments, “Going on the band tour made me realize why I started band in the first place and why I keep loving it every day. It was so nice to grow closer as a band and show God’s love through the music that we played.” To watch the performance at the College church, visit youtube.com/watch?v=4zD7otdEbKw.
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