Fill Your Sash With New Honors
In the last 10 years, 104 new honors have been approved for use in Pathfinders, the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s co-ed scouting group.
This year, the North American Division (NAD) approved the following new honors, available through AdventSource:
- Pewter Casting
- Women in Adventist History
- Disc Golf
- Three Angels’ Messages
- Land Surveying
- Signs, Signals and Symbols
- Household Budgeting
- Drones
- Temperate Grasslands
- Advanced Grasslands
Mark O’Ffill, leader of the NAD Honors Taskforce who oversees the process from pitch to completion, says, “We always like new honors that support biblical literacy, Adventist distinctives, service and missions, or life skills developments.”
All Pathfinder honors can be purchased through AdventSource.
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