Children Beat Boredom by Joining Music Summer Camp
Story by Mariann A. Forbes, Praise Team Leader
There is a line in the theme song of the TV show Phineas and Ferb that goes, “The annual problem for our generation is finding a good way to spend it.”
The “it” in question is summer vacation. After a long school year of attending school day in and day out from early morning to late afternoon, most students are thrilled to have a summer break. However, such excitement isn’t necessarily a shared feeling to parents who now must figure out what to do with their children. Most parents don’t want their kids doing nothing all day or being glued to electronic devices. An excellent solution to this problem is enrolling their children into a summer camp.
Every year, music teachers at Lake Nelson Adventist Academy host a music summer camp. Like the title suggests, it differs from other summer camps because it has a musical emphasis.
Ranging from ages 5–13, the 50 children who attended this year’s music summer camp can now continue to grow and use their talents to bless others. Rocking their “Lake Nelson Adventist Academy Music Camp” T-Shirts, their varying musical talents included singing and playing the piano, violin, flute, saxophone and clarinet.
Every day started with a morning worship. While most worships were led by staff members, one morning a kid named Liam stepped up and delivered a devotional thought he had prepared.
After worship each day, the kids participated in music theory and practiced their instruments, while the teachers gave pointers and suggestions on how they could better their skills. This was followed by lunch, play time and a short music session to end the day.
Throughout the three weeks of summer camp, the singing groups recorded songs, had a photoshoot, and even shot music videos, and the musicians learned special musical pieces. Overall, the children say they enjoyed the experience, had fun together and did something productive that helped them better their skills.
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