WGTS 91.9 is Placing the Bible Front and Center
Story by Lisa Krueger
Growing closer to God. Learning what He shares in His Word. Discovering verses that give hope, strength and peace in difficult times.
Every day, the WGTS team encourages listening families to learn more about God through study of the Bible. Each afternoon, listeners learn from a fun game named Bible or Not, hosted by Johnny and Stacey Stone. They started Bible or Not on WGTS five years ago. “As soon as it is announced for listeners to call in to play the game on-air, all 10 phone lines light up like a Christmas tree,” says Johnny.
“The Bible is key to a lifelong relationship with Jesus,” says Stacey. “Bible or Not provides a daily reason to be in the Word and to learn more about the Bible.”
Another daily scripture connection moment is the Verse of the Day. It’s shared throughout the day on-air, on the website, through the WGTS app, and all WGTS social media channels. “It has been a mainstay of our daily spiritually uplifting content for the past five years,” says Kevin Krueger, WGTS president. “It’s important to point to God’s Word in numerous ways and to do so consistently. Our goal is to provide hope through the content and also to engage listeners—intriguing them—to study and learn more through Bible study, and it works!”
Listen daily for Bible or Not at 3:30 and 5:30 p.m. on WGTS as Johnny gives a biblical-sounding phrase, and listeners guess if it’s from the Bible or perhaps a quote from someone famous. Listeners have fun with the option of “lifelines,” team members who jump in on-air and help with a hint. Get all three right, and you can win!
“Although it’s a game designed to be fun, the real purpose is to encourage moms, dads and their children to have conversations about the Bible,” says Johnny. “It makes the Bible accessible and alive, bringing it front and center, making the Bible a part of everyday life for the next generation.”
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