Takoma Academy Acquires Brand-New Starting Five
Story by Shaun Robinson
This school year, Takoma Academy (TA) welcomed five new members to its teaching staff: two math teachers; a history teacher; an English Language Arts teacher; and an athletic director. Some schools end up with teachers who go into education as a secondary option or who consider the job to be some sort of mitzvah. This group, however, is different. They have truly been called by God to do what they do.
History teacher Dori Caines hails from Bermuda. A recent graduate of Oakwood University (Ala.), Caines feels she is already making a real impact with the students. “My passion for education and young people allows me to fully put my heart and mind into serving these students,” she says. “I’m enjoying coming into school every day to help create productive, critically thinking Christian individuals.”
English Language Arts teacher Whitney Mack graduated from Southwestern Adventist University (Texas) in 2017. Prior to joining the TA family, she taught for five years at Allegheny East Conference’s Pine Forge Academy (Pa.). Speaking to the school’s culture, Mack says, “If you stand still and watch current and former faculty and staff, students, parents and other stakeholders, they seem to pour into each other at the right time. A joke, greeting or helping hand comes at the right time. Who but God orchestrates like that?”
Math and science teacher Maya Rawls is a multi-talented educator who joined the team after teaching in Baltimore County, Maryland, for three years. She gets excited when she talks about her students and how much she enjoys being a part of this educational experience. “Following God’s calling for my life led me to leave the Baltimore County school system and embark on a mission to serve His children,” she says.
Milan Scott, the other new math teacher, is a TA alumna, graduating in 2016. Scott reflects on her transition from former student to now teacher. “One thing I especially love about TA is how much I can relate to the students I encounter every day,” she says. “Being around students and other professionals who look like me, share the same Christian values as I do, and understand me in ways that I would not see in other schools has been a blessing.”
Coach Kevin McCray is excited to work with high school students. Prior to arriving at TA, he was an elementary school gym teacher in Akron, Ohio. “My vision for the Athletic Department is to help create mobile-minded athletes who honor their opponents with their play and who represent Christ and TA to the fullest!”
TA is truly blessed to have such passionate and God-fearing educators working with its students!
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