Pennsylvania Conference Churches Host 135-Plus Evangelistic Meetings in 2021
Story by Natalie Lilly, Communication Intern
God is on the move in Pennsylvania. When COVID-19 impacted the “120 in 2020” plan to hold 120 evangelistic meetings during 2020, the evangelism team simply moved those scheduled meetings to 2021. Those events grew from 120 to more than 135 prophecy series by the end of the year—the highest number of evangelistic seminars in a single year in the conference.
Ninety evangelistic events were held this past fall, with about 1.2 million handbills mailed to homes across the state. Members were a driving force behind the success of these meetings—serving refreshments, making home visits or singlehandedly preaching the material, many whom had never preached a series before.
“I never thought the Lord would use me in this capacity,” was a common sentiment that the lay speakers shared. Others added, “I feel so blessed and thrilled. I leave each meeting more excited, and my spiritual journey is growing.”
Each Sabbath in November—and even during the week—churches welcomed new members as they committed their lives to Christ through baptism. Others are studying the Bible in small groups as they continue to grow in their relationship with God.
Ministerial Director Yves Monnier (pictured with Katie and Roberto Tavares) says, “People are asking to be a part of local Seventh-day Adventist churches, and we know God is doing amazing things in their hearts.”
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