New 2022 Black History Month Study Guide "Social Justice in the Word of God" Dedicated to Elder and Mrs. Henry J. Fordham III
Story by North American Division Communication Staff
A new Black History Month study guide, “Social Justice in the Word of God,” dedicated to the memory of former Allegheny East Conference president Henry J. Fordham III and his wife Sharon Elaine (Wright) Fordham, has been launched. The study guide, which some may refer to as a quarterly guide, is written by prominent Adventist scholars, pastors, and administrators, and edited by Drs. Calvin Rock, former president of Oakwood University, and retired vice president of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists; and Mervyn A. Warren, former dean of the School of Religion at Oakwood University.
The study guide is designed for churches and schools that want to learn about social justice within a biblical framework.The format models the Sabbath school quarterly with four weekly lessons on “Social Justice in the Old Testament;” “Social Justice in the Ministry of Jesus;” and “Social Justice and the Book of Revelation.” The final lesson, “A Prophet Among You,” discusses Ellen G. White’s views on social justice through her writings.
The Black History Month study guide complements but does not replace the regular Sabbath School lesson. According to Rock, members are encouraged to use the guide as a review of the Sabbath School lesson, as a daily study guide, and to generate discussion around the topic of social justice.
The nine regional conferences of the North American Division (NAD) and departments will offer samples for its congregations, stated Rock. However, each church leadership will determine distribution to its membership. Oakwood University’s president and co-author of the Bible study guide, Dr. Leslie Pollard, will lead a 4-part series on the new Black History Month study guide, starting on February 4, 2022, on the university’s weekly broadcast, “Windows in the Word.”
"We thank Brother Brad Forbes of Advent Source and the authors and editors for responding to our dream of this labor of love and you for sharing this good news with your church and other email contacts,” says Rock.
The new study guide is available at Advent Source in bulk or single copies.
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