GracePoints Is on Point!
Story by Debra Anderson
If the last two years have taught us anything, if we want to reach people—the churched and the unchurched—we must think outside the box to connect with individuals in hopes of fulfilling their spiritual needs. GracePoints does just that.
GracePoints is a weekly video cast hosted by Melvyn Warfield, senior pastor of Potomac Conference's Community Praise Center (CPC) in Alexandria, Va. A labor of love, GracePoints began as a way to connect with his church family during the pandemic, he says. Every Wednesday, he emails the church with a short message of encouragement and the GracePoints devotional.
The name GracePoints comes from Warfield’s love of talking about the grace of God, giving practical points every week to help people live out their faith and get to know Christ better.
Warfield says, “I am focused on making this ministry a part of the call to go ‘Beyond the Walls.’ The messages focus on reaching people at any stage of their spiritual journey, providing them with encouraging but challenging lessons of grace.”
The messages are intentionally brief. Warfield understands there is a short time frame to seize someone’s attention and keep it. In the time it would take to fill up one’s gas tank, he wants to fill up their spiritual tank.
GracePoints can be found on CPC’s Facebook page, YouTube channel and social media platforms.
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