God’s Hand Protects Camp Mohaven From Storm
Story by Kasper Houghton
On June 13, a sudden storm system hit Camp Mohaven in Danville. The National Weather Service issued a tornado warning, and across Knox County— where Camp Mohaven is located—tornadoes and/or derechos ripped through trees and property.
Camp Mohaven staff had only minutes to react. Thanks to their professionalism and God’s mercy, every camper, staff and person on site escaped safe and unharmed.
Sophia Schroedel, a camp staff-in-training, recounts the harrowing story of rushing her cabin to safety: “We just booked it toward [the storm shelter]. Fifty feet from the cabin, one of my campers fell.
As soon as that camper got picked up, a branch fell exactly where she was.”
Charles Ames, a camp counselor, shares, “I feel like no one was hurt; honestly, I would say because of the Holy Spirit and God. There were so many instances where [people] were right by a tree, and it didn’t fall. And then as soon as they left, it fell.”
Bob Cundiff, Ohio Conference president, shares, “Our summer camp staff did an excellent job during this crisis. They executed the Camp Mohaven emergency action plan flawlessly, rushing all to safety in time.”
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