Fred Warfield to Serve as Director of Human Resources at Potomac Conference
Story by Debra Anderson
The Potomac Conference is pleased to reintroduce Fred Warfield as director of Human Resources (HR). Warfield served Potomac’s more than 720 employees in the same role from 2015–2020 and was also interim HR director for the Southern California Conference for a brief term.
Warfield brings a steady and calm leadership approach, while providing thoughtful conversation about the many complex issues facing our organizations. He holds a professional certification from the Society for Human Resources Management and a nonprofit leadership certification from the North American Division, along with a Master of Business and a Doctor of Ministry in leadership. Warfield says, “I am thrilled to serve the dedicated employees of this field once again, and to use my gifts in support of Potomac’s administrative team and its new mission focus!”
An ordained minister, Warfield began denominational service as a Bible
teacher and campus chaplain. He served as a senior pastor, executive pastor and youth pastor at multi-staff congregations in Chicago, Central California and the Potomac Conference. Prior to reassuming his position, he was the pastor for discipleship/member care at the Takoma Park (Md.) church.
Potomac’s administrative committee prays God’s blessings on Warfield
as he leads a department focused on supporting churches, schools, a camp and the LivingWell store to move “Beyond the Walls” with a message of hope and healing.
Warfield and his wife, Lindzie, have three children: Pheobe, Michaela and Harvey.
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