September 5, 2021: God Came Through
“But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint” (Isa. 40:31, NKJV).
It happened in the summer on a Sunday morning. I was awakened by my wife who said, “Wake up, the babies are here!” This was no dream; this was reality. This was the day. You see, we were expecting the surprise of our lives: three babies. Yes, triplets! We lived in Berrien Springs, Mich., and made our way to the only hospital in Kalamazoo that performed multiple births.
There were three beds—one for each baby—and a team of nurses and other medical personnel was assigned to each bed. All kinds of emotions went through my mind: excitement, concern, joy, worry.
A few minutes into the surgery, the first baby was delivered. Then the second. Everything was going as planned until the last baby arrived. As soon as he was placed on the bed, he stopped breathing. His color changed from a rosy pink to blue. The doctors did everything possible to make him breathe, but to no avail.
At that moment, I closed my eyes and lifted up a prayer to God. His answer came in the form of Isaiah 40:31. It was as if God was speaking this verse directly to me. A peace came over me that is hard to explain. As I opened my eyes, Daniel began to breathe again. God came through in my moment of need.
Dear Father, thank You for the assurance that You will come through in our moment of need. Amen.
Jose Vazquez is the vice president of administration for the Potomac Conference.